page contents





  • All students MUST be prepared for class EVERYDAY!!!  (Pen, notebook, book, assignment pad) They should NOT report emptyhanded to class!


If there are any questions please email me [email protected]  or call me at 732-919-0095 X 7114






      Textbooks will remain in class so students need to be sure they keep themselves organized.

      Laptops will be used on as needed basis.



HOMEWORK: counts as 10% of your overall grade and should be completed when assigned. Homework is listed below by Grade level & trimester with the day it was ASSIGNED. It is also posted on the back board of our classroom for students to copy in their assignment pad.  It is updated weekly here...please check back!


6th grade:

         TRIMESTER 1:

Assignment 1: Get Expectation Outline signed/log on to schoology  (Sept. 5/6)

Assignment 2:  Log on to schoology for mas puntos

Assignment 3:  Greetings and goodbye practice (Sept 25/26)

Assignment 4:  Quiz on greetings next week. Play on online textbook

Assignment 5: Number crossword/fill-ins  (Ocy 11/12)  

Assignment 6:  Phone number practice (Oct 16/17) Quiz end of the week

Assignment 7: Alfabeto riddles (Oct 24/25)

Assignment 8: Weather vocab practice (Nov 1/2)

Assignment 9: Pronoun practice 1 (Nov 13/14)

Assignment 10: Pronoun practice 2 (Nov 15/16)

Assignment 11: Pronoun Practice 3 (Nov 20/21)

Assignment 12: Pronoun Test next week

Assignment 13: 

Assignment 14: 

Assignment 15: 




Assignment 1: Ser practice #1 (Jan 4/5)

Assignment 2: Ser practice #2 (Jan 5/6)

Assignment 3: Memorize Ser song

Assignment 4: Ser practice #3 (Jan 17/18)

Assignment 5: Ser Quiz & Presentations

Assignment 6: Adjectives- sentences (Jan 25/26)

Assignment 7: vocab practice (Jan 30/31)

Assignment 8: Como es? (jan 31/feb 1)

Assignment 9: Adjective Quiz

Assignment 10: adjective review 2/13&14

Assignment 11: 10 Le gusta sentences




Assignment 1: 10 le gusta sentences

Assignment 2: Que le gusta Carlota hand out 

Assignment 3: articles practice 

Assignment 4: School supplies practice

Assignment 5: tener hand-out

Assignment 6: 10 tener sentences

Assignment 7: 

Assignment 8: 

Assignment 9: 

Assignment 10: 

Assignment 11:

Assignment 12: 

Assignment 13: 




7th grade:

         TRIMESTER 1:

Assignment 1: Get Expectation Outline signed/Log on to schoology (Sept 7/8)

Assignment 2: AR verb practice (Sept 13/14)

Assignment 3: AR verb practice- sentences (Sept 18/19)

Assignment 4: Verb test!

Assignment 5: Play on online textbook

Assignment 6: School supply practice (Oct 6-9) Quiz next week

Assignment 7: Time practice (Oct 16/17)

Assignment 8:  Time practice part 2 (Oct 19/20)

Assignment 9: Time quiz (Nov 1/2)

Assignment 10: Tener practice 1 (Nov 13/14)

Assignment 11: Tener practice 2 (Nov 15/16)

Assignment 12: Tener practice 3 (Nov 20/21)

Assignment 13: Projects due next week

Assignment 14: emotions and estar practice (Dec 3/4/5)

Assignment 15: 




Assignment 1: estar and emotion practice

Assignmnet 2: preposition practice 

Assignment 3: IR hand-out

Assignment 4: 10 IR sentences (Jan 22/23)

Assignment 5:  IR quiz 

Assignment 6: Review for unit test

Assignment 7:  question words practice Feb 16/20) (quiz next week)

Assignment 8: Party Plan rough draft

Assignment 9: 

Assignment 10: 

Assignment 11: 




Assignment 1:gusta vs gustan practice

Assignment 2: 10 le gusta/gustan sentences

Assignment 3: ER/IR handout 

Assignment 4: ER/IR workbook pgs

Assignment 5: 10 ER/IR sentences

Assignment 6: possessives hand-out

Assignemnt 7: 




8th grade:

         TRIMESTER 1:

Assignment 1: Get Expectation Outline signed. Log on to schoology (Sept 7/8) 

Assignment 2:  AR verb practice (Sept 13/14) Memorize endings!

Assignment 3: Ar verb practice. Verb test next week!

Assignment 4: wkbk pg 148

Assignment 5: Stem Changer practice (Oct 24/25)

Assignment 6: Project sentences (Oct 27/30)

Assignment 7: Stem Changer Test (Nov 1/2)

Assignment 8: vocab practice (nov 13/14)

Assignment 9:  Ir + a practice (nov 15/16)

Assignment 10:  Vocab quiz !

Assignment 11: stem changer practice

Assignment 12: O-UE wkbk (Dec 4/5/6)

Assignment 13: O-UE practice (Dec 5/6)

Assignment 14: 


            TRIMESTER 2:


Assignment 1:  O-ue practice

Assignment 2: e-i practice 

Assignment 3: Skit needs to be memorized!

Assignment 4: Review for unit test

Assignment 5:  Vocab practice hand-out (Feb 14/15)

Assignment 6: Ordinal numbers practice (Feb 16/20)

Assignment 7: 

Assignment 8: 

Assignment 9: 

Assignment 10: 

Assignment 11: 




Assignment 1: ser vs estar packet

Assignment 2:  Chores practice

Assignment 3: 10 tener que sentences

Assignment 4: Chores hand out

Assignment 5: Irregular Verb conjugation practice

Assignment 6: Commands practice 

Assignment 7: